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The information provided on this page is a basic outline of Georgia Child Care requirements that pertain to the design and construction of Child Care Facilities in the State of Georgia. This information is a brief synopsis and does not include all of the detailed requirements needed to satisfy the governing authorities for Child Care Licensing, Building Code, Fire Code, Accessibility, or local Zoning. These guidelines are for general information and planning purposes. Contact the governing authority directly or engage a Licensed Architect to complete a full analysis of your school location.

GEORGIA Child Care Licensing Requirements

Child Care license obtained from:

Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning

2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE, 754 East Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334


(404) 656-5957

License renewal is required every year.

Indoor Space Requirements: 35 sf per child


0-18 Mos.

(not walking)

12-18 Mos.

18-24 Mos.

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years

6+ Years


Teacher: Child Ratio










Max. Group Size










Classroom Capacity










Staff per Classroom










Min. Classroom Area

420 sf.

560 sf.

560 sf.

700 sf.

1050 sf.

1260 sf.

1400 sf.

1750 sf.

Outdoor Space Requirements: 100 sf per child 

  • The play area must be enclosed by a 4′ high fence or wall.
  • Play areas serving children under 2 years old are not required to comply.
  • Accessible play equipment is required to have an ADA path to all entry and exit points.
  • A Splash Pad is required to have an ADA path to all entry and exit points.

Building Code Requirements

child care child toilet child care adult toilet child care drinking fountain child care mop sink child care bath tub















2012 International Building Code

Fire Code Requirements


Occupants allowed in a room with room with only one exit.


Percentage of wall mounted artwork allowed to cover the wall area


Number of child cubbies allowed in a corridor of a non-sprinklered building.

2012 International Fire Code

Did you know . . .

child care separate ages When children under 3 years old are together in one room, the ratio is based on the age of the youngest child present. child care separate ages When children 3 and older are together in one room, the ratio is based on the age of the majority of the children in the group. child care infant Diaper changing tables must be within arm’s reach of the diapering sink.

To access Georgia Child Care requirements along with other states please see our interactive Child Care Requirements US map here.

Research completed by Calbert Design Group, LLC.  Updated 2019

Georgia Childcare Architects

This article shines a spotlight on Childcare Design Architects, the team behind some of the most innovative and child-friendly environments in the state. We bring creativity, safety, and a deep understanding of children’s needs into every project, ensuring that each space not only meets regulatory standards but also fosters a nurturing and stimulating atmosphere for young minds.

Dive in to learn more about how Childcare Design Architects are shaping the future of early childhood education through thoughtful, inspired design.

Have you ever thought about the incredible level of detail and care that goes into designing a childcare facility? It’s more than just walls and windows; it’s about creating a nurturing environment that fosters growth, safety, and learning for young children.

Welcome to the world of Georgia’s leading childcare architects.

Who Are Georgia’s Leading Childcare Architects?

Georgia is home to some of the most talented and dedicated childcare architects in the country. These professionals specialize in designing spaces that meet the unique needs of children, their caregivers, and educators. The role of a childcare architect is both challenging and rewarding, as their work directly impacts the daily lives and development of young children.

The Importance of Childcare Architecture

Childcare architecture is not just about creating a space where children can be supervised. It’s about creating a stimulating, safe, and nurturing environment that supports the various stages of childhood development. Good design in childcare facilities can help to foster a love of learning from an early age, encourage social interaction, and provide a space where children feel safe and valued.

Safety and Security

Safety is the cornerstone of any childcare facility design. Architects need to ensure that the space is free from hazards and designed to prevent accidents. This includes everything from using child-safe materials to designing layouts that allow for easy supervision.

Encouragement of Learning and Development

The best childcare facilities are designed with learning in mind. This can include incorporating elements of nature, creating different zones for various activities, and using colors and shapes that stimulate young minds.

Social Interaction

Social skills are a crucial part of early childhood development. Childcare architects often design spaces that encourage children to interact with one another, helping them build important social and emotional skills.

Key Elements in Childcare Architecture

While every project is unique, there are several key elements that top childcare architects in Georgia focus on when designing these facilities.

Functional Layouts

A well-thought-out layout makes it easier for children and staff to move around the facility and ensures that the space can be used efficiently. This includes clearly defined areas for different activities and easy access to essential services like bathrooms and kitchens.

Natural Light

Exposure to natural light has been shown to have a significant positive impact on mood and well-being, especially in young children. Georgia’s leading childcare architects prioritize incorporating plenty of windows and skylights into their designs.

Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor play is an essential part of childhood, and a well-designed outdoor space can be incredibly beneficial for physical and emotional development. Features like playgrounds, gardens, and even outdoor classrooms are common in the best childcare facilities.

Eco-Friendly Designs

Incorporating eco-friendly designs is not only good for the environment but also for the health and well-being of the children. Sustainable materials, energy-efficient systems, and designs that encourage a connection with nature are becoming increasingly popular in Georgia’s childcare architecture.

How Childcare Architects Are Changing the Landscape in Georgia

The childcare architecture landscape in Georgia has evolved significantly over the years. With increasing awareness about the importance of early childhood development, there is a growing demand for high-quality childcare facilities. Here are a few ways that childcare architects are making a difference.

Innovation in Design

Innovative designs that incorporate the latest research in child development are at the forefront of this change. Architects are increasingly using design elements that stimulate cognitive and physical development. This includes sensory rooms, interactive play areas, and classrooms equipped with the latest educational technology.

Sustainable Practices

As sustainability becomes a more pressing issue, many childcare architects in Georgia are embracing eco-friendly practices. This not only helps the environment but also creates healthier, more vibrant spaces for children to learn and play.

Community Involvement

Childcare architects are also focusing more on community involvement. They work closely with parents, teachers, and local communities to ensure that the facilities meet the specific needs of the children they serve. This collaborative approach helps create tailored environments that truly support children’s growth and development.

The Process of Designing a Childcare Facility

Designing a childcare facility involves several steps, from initial concept to final construction. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect if you’re interested in developing a childcare center.

Initial Consultation and Site Evaluation

The first step involves meeting with the architects to discuss your vision and requirements. They will conduct a site evaluation to assess the suitability of the location and identify any potential challenges.

Conceptual Design

During this phase, architects will develop preliminary designs based on your input and the site evaluation. This includes creating layout plans, selecting materials, and planning essential features like lighting and ventilation.

Design Development

Based on your feedback, the architects will refine the initial designs. This phase involves more detailed planning and may include 3D renderings and models to give you a better idea of what the final facility will look like.

Construction Documentation

Once the design is finalized, the architects will create detailed construction documents. These include architectural drawings, specifications for materials, and instructions for builders. This phase ensures that everyone involved in the construction process is on the same page.

Construction and Supervision

Finally, construction begins. During this phase, the architects will often oversee the construction process to ensure that the project is completed according to the plans. They may also handle any issues that arise and make necessary adjustments.

Trends in Childcare Architecture

Like any field, childcare architecture is subject to changing trends and innovations. Here are some of the latest trends that Georgia’s leading childcare architects are embracing.

Biophilic Design

Biophilic design involves incorporating elements of nature into architectural spaces. This could mean including indoor plants, designing with natural materials, or creating outdoor spaces that blend seamlessly with the indoors. The idea is to create a connection with nature, which has been shown to have numerous benefits for mental and physical well-being.

Technological Integration

As technology becomes increasingly integral to education, many childcare facilities are incorporating tech-savvy elements into their designs. This might include interactive whiteboards, digital learning tools, and even virtual reality stations.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Modern childcare facilities often need to be versatile, able to adapt to different uses and activities. This trend involves designing spaces that can easily be reconfigured to meet changing needs. Movable walls, multi-purpose furniture, and modular designs are common features in such facilities.

Inclusive Design

There is a growing emphasis on creating inclusive environments that cater to the needs of all children, including those with disabilities. This involves designing accessible spaces with features like ramps, sensory rooms, and quiet areas.

The Future of Childcare Architecture in Georgia

The future looks promising for childcare architecture in Georgia. With a strong emphasis on safety, sustainability, and innovative design, the state’s leading architects are well-equipped to create environments that truly support and nurture young children.

Emphasis on Mental Health

As awareness about the importance of mental health grows, future childcare facilities are likely to incorporate design elements that support emotional well-being. This could include quiet zones for relaxation, sensory rooms, and spaces that promote mindfulness.

Technological Advancements

Technology is poised to play an even bigger role in the future of childcare architecture. From advanced security systems to interactive learning tools, technological advancements will continue to shape the way these facilities are designed and used.

Community-Centered Designs

Future designs are likely to place an even greater emphasis on community involvement. This means creating spaces that serve as community hubs, offering resources and support not just for children but for families and caregivers as well.

Why Choose a Specialized Childcare Architect?

You might wonder why it’s essential to choose an architect who specializes in childcare facilities. The answer lies in the unique needs of these spaces. Childcare Design Architects have the expertise to design environments tailored to the developmental needs of young children.

Expertise in Regulations and Standards

Childcare facilities are subject to numerous regulations and standards to ensure the safety and well-being of children. We are specialized architects and we are well-versed in these requirements and can help you navigate the complexities of compliance.

Understanding of Child Development

Childcare architects understand the various stages of child development and design spaces that support these stages. This includes creating environments that promote learning, social interaction, and physical development.

Tailored Solutions

Every childcare facility is different, with its unique set of needs and challenges. A specialized architect can provide tailored solutions that address these specifics, ensuring that the facility meets the highest standards.

Final Thoughts

Designing a childcare facility is a complex and rewarding endeavor that requires a unique blend of creativity, expertise, and understanding of child development. Georgia’s leading childcare architects, Childcare Design, are at the forefront of this field, creating innovative, safe, and nurturing environments that support the growth and development of young children.

By focusing on safety, encouraging learning through thoughtful design, and incorporating sustainable practices, these professionals are making a significant impact on the future of childcare in Georgia. So, next time you walk past a beautifully designed childcare center, take a moment to appreciate the work of the talented architects who made it possible.

Would you like to explore more about childcare architecture or have any questions about the process? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Georgia’s leading childcare architects for expert advice and guidance at Rebecca@ChildcareDesign.com.